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EXPERT INSIGHT: BUSINESS VISION in Beauty & Wellness is a highly specialized service that provides a detailed evaluation of the quality of your services. A Mystery Shopper with an expert perspective conducts a thorough examination focused on visual presentation, atmosphere, and the professional approach of employees. The service not only offers ideas for improvement but also inspires positive changes, emphasizing individual needs and professional expertise. Whether you have employees and would like to assess the current state of operations or work independently and seek a fresh perspective on your business, you are ready to identify potential weaknesses and highlight the strengths of your enterprise, this service is precisely for you. WHAT THE SERVICE PROVIDES: Detailed operational assessment: I, as a Mystery Shopper, will conduct a comprehensive survey of the visual presentation, cleanliness, organization, and atmosphere of your business. Identification of errors: I will focus on monitoring current operations with the aim of finding potential errors that may affect the quality of services. Proposals for error correction: I will provide specific and practical suggestions for addressing identified shortcomings. Assessment of professional employee approach: I will evaluate employee behavior with an emphasis on communication, politeness, and the overall impression on customers. Highlighting strengths: I will support and emphasize the positive aspects of operations and unique elements that attract customers. HOW THE SERVICE WORKS: Introductory online consultation, where you share your specific needs and expectations regarding the Mystery Shopper service with me. Personal audit of operations and services focusing on quality, uncovering recurring errors, and tailoring the perspective according to your professional knowledge. Detailed analysis of a specific visit based on the Mystery Report, containing evaluations of more than 100 key aspects. Output report with a comprehensive analysis of the conducted assessment and an action plan to improve identified areas. Final consultation with a discussion of the report's content and the implementation of the action plan. Explanation of individual best recommendations for improvement and business development. RESERVATION: Seeking a specialized service for a detailed evaluation of your services? Fill out the form, and we will delve into the analysis of your operations to better understand its current state.

Kontaktní údaje

+420 727808506

Pražská 709, 252 41 Dolní Břežany, Praha-západ, Česká republika



Beauty & Wellness expertka

  • Renomovaná expertka v oblasti Beauty & Wellness s více než 20letými zkušenostmi na prestižních pozicích ve významných značkách, jako jsou Mandarin Oriental, Princess Cruise Lines, Radisson SAS a Aquapalace Resort.

  • Její vášeň a odborné znalosti ji vedly k neustálému zvyšování kvality služeb v Beauty & Wellness sektoru.​ Jako uznávaná speakerka a mentorka inspirovala více než 1000 lidí prostřednictvím svých business školení.

  • Zuzana se specializuje na Mystery Shopping v oblasti Beauty & Wellness a poskytuje poradenství, které podporuje růst kvality a ziskovost provozů.​

  • Působí v Praze, kde měla tu čest spolupracovat s prestižními klienty, jako jsou Four Seasons a Chateau Mcely, stejně jako s různými kosmetickými firmami a luxusními klinikami.

  • V rámci svých poradenství se aktivně podílí na výstavbě nových wellness projektů, kde sdílí své cenné know-how a osvědčené postupy, které zajišťují vysoké standardy služeb a ziskovosti.​

  • Zuzanina mise přesahuje pouhé poskytování odborného poradenství; do každého projektu vkládá také svou vášeň. Tento přístup jí umožňuje přispívat k osvětě a zvyšování kvality v oblasti Beauty & Wellness, a tím inspirovat ostatní k naplnění jejich profesních snů.​

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